why we do what we do
Many communities in Orangeburg do not have access or financial resources to eat healthy on a daily basis. Barriers include where people live, age, income, and whether reliable transportation exists. Without healthy options, health risks increase. Bringing fresh produce into our communities is a form of food equity and is part of our mission. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life in our diverse communities by increasing access to fresh, affordable produce and providing quality cooking skills education. We connect families and communities to fresh fruits and vegetables through the use of our Fresh Food Box.
what's in a box?
The Fresh Food Box is filled with 9-11 varieties of top quality fruits and vegetables. Unique recipes, tips and nutrition notes are included to give you the encouragement to expand your knowledge, cook new things and eat healthier.
how much is it?
Our boxes are roughly 15-18 pounds and costs $20 (if you're paying cash) and $21 (if you order online).
If you are a SNAP participant and use your EBT SNAP card to purchase your box, you receive an instant $15 "Healthy Bucks" savings, meaning your box only costs you $5 dollars.
how do you order?
Order in person at 1515 Henley Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115 Monday through Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm.
Boxes must be ordered for online or in person and paid for in advance. Our Box Distribution Pickup days are every other Wednesday. To see our 2024 Box Calendar, click here.